Employer Survey

Block 1 of 7: Introduction

The Qalipu First Nation and Qalipu First Nation is conducting an annual survey of our community members to identify their work experience, skills and training to help us maintain a searchable database which we can use to match our community members and their skill sets with current and future local job opportunities.

As an employer in this region, we aim to collect or update your company’s information and to offer our services to match your current and future employment opportunities with qualified workers in our labour market database.

The survey takes on average about fifteen minutes to complete. In addition to some general information about your organization, we are asking you a few questions about the types of workers that you have hired in the past year, and identify any current or future job openings.

Please note that any information or details that you provide will only be used for job matching purposes and analysed along with other employers’ information grouped together to inform our community about local labour market needs.